2021 – the first year of implementing the 10-year socio-economic development strategy (2021 – 2030), and the 5-year socio-economic development plan (2021 – 2025), is also the first year of implementing the Resolution 13th National Party Congress; The 3rd Party Congress of the Central Enterprises Sector and the 3rd Party Congress of the Corporation’s Party Committee (term 2020 – 2025). Looking back at the results of the past 5 years (2015 – 2020), Vinataba has achieved great strides, creating development leverage for the new period.
Development pillars set up for the new period
In the coming period (2021-2025), Vinataba determines to promote the Corporation’s development in in-depth, value-added, multi-ownerships, surging in exports, etc. to further enhance the competitiveness of the tobacco industry of Vietnam, specifically, focusing on important development pillars:
First, restructuring the management system of the Corporation in the direction of enhancement to the concentration and domination of the Parent Company in the fields of finance, human resources, strategy, brands, and research and development. This is to promote synergy on the basis of specialization assignment and improve the business initiative of subsidiaries.
Second, strongly innovating the management system tool for affiliates, so that they can operate with high efficiency. These are indispensable and important requirements for the post-equitization process.
Third, the Corporation is to restructure products in-depth for the whole system, increasing the proportion of medium and premium products, to meet the diverse needs of the market.
The Corporation will also identify the needs and consumption trends of the individual market regions to develop a product chain with strong brands such as “Vinataba”, “Saigon”, “Thang Long”. Thereby, a base solid practice for new product development of the whole system is formed, avoiding waste of resources. At the same time, there is a plan to further invest both in material and highly qualified human resources for R&D and market works.
Identifying the market as the leading front, which needs to be maintained and developed in-depth and effectively, the Corporation will continue to invest more fundamentally in the tobacco export strategy; to organize cigarette export operations following a roadmap; to focus on focal points in order to improve advantages in negotiation and trade transactions, and promote the making use of machinery, equipment and technology.
Simultaneously, the Corporation improves the business and management capacity of the businesses. On the one hand, it will strengthen the traditional export market, and on the other hand, take advantage of the opportunities of international economic cooperation and integration in order to reorganize the export of cigarettes to countries with high demand for tobacco, towards sustainable development of cigarette export operations.